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unite to end sex trafficking

Team Hugging


Share your area of passion and expertise by volunteering.

High School Friends


Bring the SPEAK UP K-12th grade train-the-trainer program to schools, and The Cool Aunt Series and KIDS TOO Pointers to families.

Image by Kelly Sikkema


Your generosity supports our programs making a difference around the world.  

Teen Prayer Group


Unite with us in prayer to bring freedom to countless lives globally.

Working on Laptop

Get Educated

The Foundation United is dedicated to equipping you with solutions to end sex trafficking and exploitation.


Raise Awareness

Host a Cocktails For A Cause or Party With A Purpose event with your circle of influence to raise awareness.

Chuch Choir

Real Talk

REAL TALK is a catalytic tool designed to systemically protect and awaken the Church or Christian organization, from kindergarten to leadership.

Image by Adem AY

Follow Us

Follow us on Instagram and share our posts with your friends. 


Introduce Trainings

Introduce our team to leaders in healthcare or the criminal justice system in your community for systemic training opportunities.

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