2022 Annual Report
The Lord says, “I have seen violence done to the helpless. I have heard the groans of the oppressed. I will rise up to rescue them.” Psalms 12:5
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From Our Founder/CEO

Dear Champion,
After a decade of leading safe housing, and hearing thousands of stories that were so strikingly similar, a holy discontent began to rise in my spirit. My passion has always been going to the root of an issue, and the heart-breaking truth was that of the thousands of women we had served, their stories were sadly similar.
Every system had missed the abuse that entered their lives, often starting at 3-4 years old. Family systems did not know how to protect or understand the signs, first responders, healthcare professionals, and educators had missed it, and the church and faith communities were sadly no better. The secrets that each girl carried through her childhood went unseen or unaddressed, and in the worst-case scenarios, misunderstood and used against them.
Childhood sexual abuse is at the root of 92% of sex trafficking survivors.
The focus of The Foundation United is getting to the root, finding the child, and interrupting their story before they need a safe home and their life and destiny fully restored. We are passionately and relentlessly equipping each system on a national and global scale to have eyes to see.
You have heard an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, well in this case, prevention is everything.
What if it were your child? You would give anything to interrupt and identify the abuse before it progressed even one day. That is our heart, no more blind eyes, not on our watch.
I have also learned through the past decade the great need for collaboration, unity and transparency in outcomes, measurements, and audited financials. The goal of The Foundation United is to share resources and combine efforts with top leaders in the space. This allows donor dollars to go further. Together we can unite, empower, and harness the true power of that network to be world changers. We know that together, we can save exponentially more lives! The Foundation United creates a solid system of care and technical training to protect survivors of sexual exploitation, prevent innocent children from being targeted by predators, and empower our front-line protectors in the criminal justice and healthcare systems, churches and world leaders. We offer the most cutting-edge trainings and coaching in the needed areas to get ahead of the issue and eradicate the problem.
A passionate law enforcement leader once said, she had previously believed that prostitution was simply “the oldest profession”, but after being exposed to the root and the story of the countless girls we have served throughout the years she recoined it “the oldest story of abuse”.
As a leader I have never felt more hopeful and excited about our network and our strategy. I feel like we have found the antidote, and now have the secret sauce to get ahead of it. I believe we can have a world free of abuse and trafficking.. we simply have to start SPEAKING THE UNSPEAKABLE. The time to step in and interrupt is now.
Sexual exploitation is not an issue designated for impoverished countries and television documentaries. It is hiding in plain sight. It is targeting every child, regardless of their race, gender, zip code, or socioeconomic background.
Sexual exploitation is here.
And it is 100% PREVENTABLE.
We can expose it, disarm it, and together eradicate it.
Thank you for joining us on this journey to bring freedom, justice, and hope to every life!
Elizabeth Good
Founder & CEO

Dear Treasured Supporters,
We are facing challenging times throughout the world in the area of sex trafficking, abuse and exploitation. But what gives me hope is that through the collective efforts of The Foundation United's program, Real Talk, which speaks to root issues within the Church and Christian organizations, as well as our other collaborative global initiatives and trainings in the K-12 Education System, Criminal Justice, Healthcare and Parliamentary governments, we see countless lives being changed throughout the world.
While the area of sex trafficking is complex and worldwide in scope, we are seeing the tremendous impact of education and scaleable solutions to transform these systems. Doors are opening throughout the United States, Europe, Africa and
Latin America due to the generosity and investments of our Champions.
To all of our donors, partners, advisors and others who contribute to the successful outreach of The Foundation United, on behalf of our dedicated and talented Board, I offer my sincere gratitude.
Lynne Jubilee Cumming
Board Chair
Board of Directors

Lynne Jubilee Cumming
Board Chair
Frederick A. Feller
Ruthie LeFebvre
Jeff Rech
Elizabeth Fisher Good
Advisory Board
Allan H. Beeber, PH.D MBA, MABS
President Emeritus' Liason
Quin Frazer
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Mark Bloom
Financial Advisor, Edward Jones
Elaine Lewis
The Wade Street Group at Morgan Stanley
Senior Vice President - Wealth Management, Financial Planning Specialist
Craig Schaeffer
State Attorney's Office, 12th Judicial Circuit
Beth Rech
Flourish Coaching
Dan Moceri
Co-Founder and Executive Chairman
Convergint Technologies
Annette Feller
Lead Intercessor
Roland Jacobs
CEO, AspireUp
Tammy Young
Spiritual Advisor
Rachel Thomas
Survivor Leadership
Appointed Member, United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking
Mary Lou Johnson
Community Relations
Deb Tengler
Philanthropy Expert
Sammi Fisher
Design & Branding Expert
Brad Good
Good Capital & Property Group LLC.
Roger Randall
Riviera Partnerships
Pat Robinson
City Manager Sarasota
Previous Deputy Chief of Police, Sarasota Police Department
Global Leaders

Anne Basham
Parliamentary Intelligence Security Forum Human Trafficking Task Force and Former Department of Justice Appointee

Deb O'Hara Ruskowski
Global Strategic Operatives and Delegate for the Order of Malta’s Mission at the United Nations

Rachel Thomas
The Cool Aunt Series, Appointee to the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking and Lived Experience Expert

Demetri Konstantopoulos
National Training Cadre
Director of Law Enforcement Training and Captain of Sarasota Police Department

Systemic Change:
(noun) [si-stem-ik cheynj]
Transformation that pervades all parts of an institution
or method to impact the conditions associated with a complex problem.
Also see: How The Foundation United is moving the needle in the fight
to end sex trafficking, abuse and exploitation globally.

The Impact of Our Initiatives
Our children and grandchildren deserve to grow up in a world free of human trafficking, exploitation and abuse. Our programs bring us one step closer to making that a reality.


SPEAK UP for Schools,
The Cool Aunt Series for Families & Child Welfare, and PAXA for Parents
11,893 Students, Educators & Child Welfare Workers Trained
SPEAK UP is the premier curriculum in preventing harm, sexual abuse, exploitation, human trafficking and reducing the demand... Most of all, it empowers our students to SPEAK UP if they are unsafe, and equips adults to have eyes to see and ears to hear! We are honored to unite with St. Louis University as our University Research partner for this trauma informed, evidence based K-12 curriculum. Our curriculum has been translated into Spanish, with more translations to come!
The Cool Aunt Series is a an engaging multi-media series created by Rachel Thomas, survivor and U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking which can be used by tweens, teens, parents and kids in the foster care system. The Cool Aunt Series has launched survivor mentorship which connects vulnerable youth with leaders who can relate to them and help them navigate their journey as they stay safe from trafficking threats and step into their true potential and dreams!
A new partnership was also formed with the Department of Children and Families in California, which will enable The Cool Aunt Series to reach over 50,000 at-risk youth in the foster system in the coming year! The Cool Aunt Series has been translated into Spanish to reach even more young people and has launched virtual groups for teens to connect, ask questions and learn about how to stay safe.
Finally, this year we also introduce an amazing parent resource, thanks to our new collaboration with PAXA. They provide parent focused trainings, resources and a parent-pointers guide to equip caregivers in protecting kids at all ages and stages of life. PAXA helps caregivers navigate babysitters, play-dates, sleepovers, technology and more.
for The Church
Leaders from 12 States/Countries Trained
Churches and Christian organizations have experienced the life-long impact REAL TALK makes in:
REAL TALK is our newest initiative, serving as a systemic pathway and live coaching program to guard and equip the Church globally. Not only does REAL TALK help adults and leaders heal from past trauma and abuse, speaking about things many times considered "off-limits" in ministries, but it also educates the Next Gen on how to stay safe and get help if they are unsafe or struggling. This first of its kind pathway eliminates shame, secrets and stigmas around talking about tough topics and helps the Church take territory back! It also provides next steps for leaders to gain private ministry and restoration so that they can be the shepherds they are called to be.
​New York
Sierra Leone

Translations are underway for REAL TALK in German and French! Click below to watch "Why The Church Needs REAL TALK" in German.
Click here for the English version.
Click here for REAL TALK testimonials.
In 2022, Elizabeth Good, accompanied by several members of our Board of Directors, was invited to speak to the Global Strategic Forum in Austria (pictured below). At this event, she addressed pastoral leaders from around the world in how we take back the "mountains" from business, entertainment, sports, education, family, etc. The foremost solution? REAL TALK, what has been deemed the "catalytic Holy Spirit can opener" empowering the Church to awaken and authentically and fearlessly step into the solutions for which it is purposed. This conference was where pastors from Germany and Sierra Leone both stepped into their REAL TALK journey, officially launching this program globally!

Pictured Above: Presenting at the Global Strategy Forum for the global launch of REAL TALK, in Austria.

Training for the
Healthcare System
745,000 Healthcare Providers Trained In 8 Countries Since Inception
Creation Of The FIRST Global Human Trafficking Policy & Protocol for Healthcare Providers Introduced to WHO At The UN
Materials Translated Into 8 Languages
After four years, which included a global pandemic, we see the completion of the GSO Research Study Results, as well as the creation of the first global Human Trafficking Policy & Protocol for Healthcare Providers which was submitted to the World Health Organization at the United Nations (pictured below) for adoption and implementation. Thanks to the groundbreaking success of the pilot study, this system is being transformed into a solution space for survivors seeking safety and protection.

Pictured Above: Presenting the first global Human Trafficking Policy & Protocol for Healthcare Providers which was submitted to the World Health Organization at the United Nations.
Training for the
Criminal Justice System
232 Agencies Trained Since Inception
83.15% of officers reported a stronger knowledge of sex trafficking post-training
85.33% of officers now understand the factors that put someone at risk for sex trafficking post-training
The very system which once viewed victims of this crime as the perpetrators is being transformed with cutting edge trainings far beyond Human Trafficking 101 and 102. Each training is led by experts in the field with years of experience. We have introduced trainings for judiciaries, State Attorney Offices, law enforcement officers, and all throughout the criminal justice system including:
Dark Web
Cryptocurrency and Establishing Covert Accounts,
Illicit Massage Businesses
Familial Trafficking
Unconscious Bias
Open Source Intelligence and Technology Trends
Undercover Operations
Prosecuting Human Trafficking Cases
Special training for School Resource Officers
And more...

Pictured Above: Dark Web Training with Master Trainer Adam Kavanaugh, Detective Byron Boston, and Director of Law Enforcement Training Demetri Konstantopoulos; Community Training with Ret. Pasco County Sheriff's Dept. Alan Wilkett.
21 MILLION+ Educated
Website translated into English, Spanish, German and French
Shining light on the realities of human trafficking and its root of childhood sexual abuse is paramount in order to bring about lasting systemic change. Even to this day, many are learning about this issue for the first time. We educate the masses through informational podcasts, trainings, written pieces, conferences, and more. We invite supporters to be a catalyst for change in their own circle of influence by hosting a Party With A Purpose or Cocktails For A Cause Event in their community. Education and understanding is the first step of many when it comes to eradicating exploitation.

Watch Top 2022 Stories Below
(More News Available Here)
Restorative Care
for Survivors of Sex Trafficking
Until we have eradicated this crime, we will continue to support safe housing and aftercare for survivors through our Provision initiative.
One of our 2022 safe housing grantees, located in Germany, recorded this special message to share in gratitude for the support of The Foundation United. We are honored to support a second chance and restoration for survivors!

Trauma Clearing
for Survivors of Sexual Trauma and Abuse
Over 315 Hours Of Trauma Clearing
From preparing survivors of sexual exploitation to testify in court against their trafficker, to bringing restoration and freedom to those who have experienced sexual trauma and abuse our national team of experts are changing lives all over the world. Instead of living in cycles of shame, fear and secrets, men and women receive expedient, impactful sessions proven to clear trauma and rewire neural pathways which previously kept them stuck in toxic and life-controlling patterns.
The Impact of Your Support
The Foundation United is unique in our ability to not only create and lead our own programming but we are also set up with the capacity to pass money to other organizations which are achieving compatible and collaborative goals in the fight to end sex trafficking. This one-of-a-kind approach has built a strong foundation for the greatest possible outcomes in this movement. The beauty of the initiatives under the Foundation is that we have the ability to share resources. Some organizations have their own 501c3 while others have chosen to forego theirs. This allows all to unite and leverage resources to significantly reduce back-office costs, such as marketing, development, accounting, and operations. This method means more money goes directly to life saving programs.
When you support The Foundation United, you are not merely supporting one organization. You are significantly moving the needle, globally, to save lives and end an abhorrent human rights violation.

Total Expenses:

Total Income:

Target Fund:

We have established our Target Fund, a reserve which pours into opportunities that align with our DNA or areas we can pivot to in order to have greater impact and scale. In 2022, funds were used to support PISF (international Human Trafficking Task Force), and expand REAL TALK globally and domestically.
Our goal is to grow a reserve of $5 Million in our Target Fund.
Program Support
Policy & Awareness
Educates the public on sex trafficking, sexual exploitation, and how they can be a part of the solution to end it. Partners with the Parliamentary Human Trafficking Task Force to bring systemic solutions to policy makers and world leaders globally.
Trains first responders in the criminal justice and healthcare systems to recognize sex trafficking, aid survivors, and prosecute predators.
Provides school districts, churches/Christian organizations, families and foster care with prevention education and resources through SPEAK UP, The Cool Aunt Series, REAL TALK and PAXA for Parents.
Supports vetted safe-housing and restorative programs for adult and minor survivors domestically and globally.
Legacy Fund
Our Legacy Fund will ensure that programs can continue despite unforeseen changes and circumstances. We seek to find the best practices to scale and expand each program regionally and systemically.
Our goal is to raise $25 million by 2025.
This will grow our Legacy Fund so that our programs and vetted, like-minded partners can continue their impactful work, and not worry about resources in perpetuity. This creates one stop shopping for donors, knowing that their money is going to places that are actually doing the work. The focus on systemic scaling is limitless, and we believe changing broken systems changes everything.

Awakening the World
Grew by 17 Membership Countries
Now the Interparliamentary Human Trafficking Task Force Officially Has A Presence On 6 Continents
Increased To Have 7 International Survivor Delegates
The Interparliamentary Human Trafficking Task Force is opening doors to bring our systemic solutions to countries worldwide, beginning with government leaders and policy experts. It is one of the ways The Foundation United Ignites Global Leaders. Human trafficking has become an international focus at the intersection of terrorism and security issues. The Interparliamentary Human Trafficking Task Force, founded by Anne Basham, was formed in 2021 at their Forum in Budapest, Hungary. It is a consortium of Parliamentarians, lived-experience experts, government leaders, and policy experts.​ They have a shared mission of combatting the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, human trafficking. The Foundation United has the opportunity to collaborate with this incredible group to bring training focused on prevention, criminal justice, healthcare, and the faith community, to top leaders around the globe!

Pictured Above: Romanian Parliament: Rushan Abbas (Uyghur Autonomous Region), Ioana Bauer (Romania), Anne Basham (USA, Founder of the Task Force), MP Davis Opoku (Ghana), MP Rozalia Biro (Romania), MP Karen Bradley (UK); Anne Basham and TFU Founder/CEO Elizabeth Fisher Good; Hungarian Parliament where the Task Force was formed (Anne Basham speaking)
The Parliamentary Task Force on Human Trafficking includes convening legislators, decision-makers and leaders from around the world from 22 countries:
East Turkistan
United Kingdom
United States

Looking Ahead
Plans for 2023 and Beyond
Flooding The Earth & Awakening The World
Each year God continues to expand our territory as we fight for justice and to further move the needle to end human trafficking, exploitation and its root of childhood sexual abuse. Our vision for the future includes:
Creating a REAL TALK global network for church leaders
Expanding REAL TALK throughout the U.S., Europe and Africa
Implementing SPEAK UP K-12 Prevention Curriculum on a state-level throughout the U.S.
Introducing SPEAK UP Internationally in collaboration with GSO
Launch SRO training nationally
Increase SPEAK UP by 5 countries
Translate SPEAK UP into 5 languages
Grow Dark Web training to 10 annually
Provide systemic training through our partnership with the global task force